Saturday, March 7, 2009

Too Focused?...On Me?

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
Acts 20:24

I have often considered, meditated upon, and even quoted verses such as these wanting them to be true of me. In some ways there may be indications of such selflessness and true Christ-centered and focused living in me, but not to the extent that I could speak these words of Paul as though my own. All too often I can find myself sitting beside, or standing near, a person who may be in need of Jesus. Who isn’t? Then, the Lord whispers to me to at least pause from whatever I’m doing. When this happens I know what’s about to come next.

“Tell them, such and such”.
“Are you sure you don’t just want me to pray for them Lord? Because that I can do, no problem.”

Then, before I know it the moment is gone. This happened, I fear, just yesterday evening. I was waiting at the airport for my flight arrive and reading an excellent book about God’s desire for the Jewish people when the Lord told me to put it down for a moment and being praying for the person seated next to me. So, I figured that was easy enough, and began to do just that. I was expecting the Lord to then give me some further direction, but it never happened. I prayed for about a minute and then figured it was time to read again, it is a really good book after all. Oh, I did pause again later to chat with him about the boarding delays of our flights, but I knew it was not the conversation we were supposed to have.

It’s situations like this that occur more often than I’d like to admit which cause me to realize I am still far too me-focused. I worry too much about having exactly the right words or what the other person may think of me. I suppose the same thing could be true of the person who doesn’t have such inhibition but may instead be somewhat impressed by their own words. However, that’s not usually my challenge. No, I’m typically too conscious of how I might be perceived and before I know it another opportunity to glorify Jesus and help another person consider Him is gone. Clearly, I cannot proclaim Paul’s words as my own, but one day I hope to, or at least be able to say something similar and it be true of me.

Oh lord, forgive me for being so concerned with me. It seems the destruction of selfish tendencies is an ever continuing challenge. I truly want to be a man given over to Your plans and purposes so that You could somehow be honored by the way I live and speak. All too often it seems I fall short of this goal, but I continue on toward it anyway. I pray that You would continue to shape me, day by day. May You be glorified in me Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thaks for always being so open and honest about your walk with the Lord. You are an encouragement to me. Love you! ~C