Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Answer for the Ancients, and for You and Me.

So often as I read my Bible I meet ancient believers who could not understand why God didn't seem to come to their aid. They cry out for His deliverance and for answers to their suffering, but often the answers seem to allude them. I wonder what some of these ancients would have thought about how God ultimately did answer their calls for help.

I wonder what they would have thought of a simple man who lived and walked among the people, a common man. I wonder what they would have thought of such a man being anointed as their saving king. I wonder what they would have thought about a savior who was able to raise the dead, but unwilling to raise a sword.

What would they have thought of this man, who instead of delivering them from their enemies gave himself up on their behalf. What would they have thought when they saw him rise up from the grave and hear him call them to lay their lives down as well. I don't know how they would have responded to Jesus doing all of this and more. But I do know what I think.

I think embracing Christ is the easiest choice I've ever made, but following in His steps is no easy road. Yet, I can think of nothing so rewarding. I wonder what you would think of such a man. I wonder if you would look anew upon Jesus Christ this Easter and see the freedom and the love He holds out for you, and embrace Him too.

Rise up; come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!

Psalm 44:26