Saturday, January 16, 2010

Running Rebel

There are times, so many times, that I am overwhelmed by desire to run my race and be free from self and sin. I long to sit at Your side and write to You a song so beautiful. But it seems every time I set out I quickly wear out. When discouragement has set in and taken its toll my feet seem to shrink beneath me. The moment I set pen to page, even with Your hand embracing me, the ink dries up and the words just disappear.

Lord, train me to run well without growing weak and breaking down. May Your words be in me and me and may their flow be free. I know You've set my feet to run and my lips to speak Your love. Yet it always feels like I've finished before I've begun. I want to speak of You but so often remain disappointed by the setting sun. Overtake me Lord, train me to run. Open my ears that I might truly hear.

"But you, son of man, hear what I say to you. Be not rebellious like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you."
Ezekiel 2:8

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