Monday, July 13, 2009

Soul Revolution

"For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain"
-Apostle Paul

While this is a truly revolutionary thought I've read these words many many times, yet today they are illuminated in my soul with the light of Holy Spirit revelation, like a torch burning in a dark night. To read this chapter (Philippians 1) quickly might likely cause some to think of Paul as a braggart. He seems full of himself if you don't listen closely. On the other hand, when you take your time and allow God to lead you, even quietly whispering to you as you read, you instead find something else all together. Paul speaks to those people, the Church at Philippi, with a deep and profound love and from a heart of compassion for them. He writes to them with concern, as they are beginning to endure persecution for believing.

Paul knew a little something about persecution. Since turning Christ and choosing to serve him he endured nearly constant suffering. So he begins to share with them what he's learned. I don't believe his intent is to speak of how great he is either. On several occasions he freely speak of his own weaknesses and inability to follow Christ as well as he would like (in others of his letters). Furthermore, he writes this letter as a prisoner of Rome. No, he is most certainly not writing as an arrogant and proud man. He is purposing to show them how to endure their challenges with victory and peace.

And so we come back to this statement, "For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain." In other words, "Friends, it is of no concern whatsoever to me what happens to this physical body. My life is not mine anyway. It has been given to Christ and so if I go on living it is really Him living through me. If I do not, well this I am also unafraid of, in fact I embrace this because it means I will be home with my Daddy, my Abba, my Savior, and those friends and believers who before me. I will be before the throne of the King of all creation." Sure, that's a lot to infer from this one statement, however I really do believe this is the thrust of the overall passage. And as I considered these ideas underlying the message Paul was communicating to these beloved friends that's when I was struck with a deep sense of awe as well as conviction.

As a I said before I believe Paul was writing to honor and glorify God rather than anything in himself. Yet, when I attempted to apply them to my own life they didn't seem to fit. I am far too often moved by fear. There remains too much in the way of pride in me. While others may not see it I know it's there for I can sense it and feel it. Quite simply there remains too much of self in me to write the kinds of words Paul wrote with any honesty or sincerity. Still, that is exactly what I desire, to be able to declare to those in desperation, those in need, those longing for answers from God, that "I too have struggled and endured hardship but not lost hope because my life is bound to Christ. If I live on, whether in hardship or comfort, it is "Christ who lives in me. And if I die whether in the midst of trial or beyond it will be of great gain to me."

Oh Lord, I pray You so transform my life that if I were to say the kinds of things Paul declared they would not only be true but would minister to and encourage others the same way You have encouraged and challenged me today through the words of Your servant Paul. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.

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