Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Ones in the Roadways

As I headed to the airport Monday morning I felt the Lord preparing me for a divine appointment.  I expected to meet someone in the airport or on the plane.  However, after landing in San Diego without "bumping into" anyone I was a little disappointed, but figured maybe I was just wrong.  After getting my rental car I decided to go for a jog along the bay, and on the way there I noticed many who were homeless.  Again the Lord whispered, 'divine appointment'.

The moment I parked my rental car I was met by Keith.  He walked with a bicycle that I imagine was strained to bear even his slight frame.  His sandy hair was shaggy and sun bleached.  His tanned skin did not come from sun bathing, and it's countless lines told the story of a man who had not recently made his home on the streets.  Keith told me a brief story and asked if I could help him with a little money.

I don't usually mind doing this for someone in need but this time the Lord said no.  I instead offered him some peanuts and a simple little cross that happened to be in my bag.  He happily accepted both.  We chatted for a few minutes, and I listened as he explained some past failed attempts to get off the streets.  I then asked if I could pray for him, and he welcomed it.

The Lord must have touched Keith as we prayed because he seemed stunned and appreciative   afterward.  I then shared a very brief word I sensed the Lord speak.  He was stunned once again.  As we parted I knew that Keith had been touched deeply and personally, and his heart seemed open to more from God.  I could have tried to lead him in a prayer of repentance and salvation, but at that point I knew I had done what the Lord had directed.  Anything else would have been me pressing too hard.

I trust the Holy Spirit knows right where Keith is and will continue reaching out to draw him home.  After all He's the one who had been whispering to me all day.  He's the one the who led Keith to my space on the pier.  And He's the one who sparked a light of wonder in Keith's eyes and heart.  The Lord won't forget about him.  I'm certain He'll continue sending others down Keith's street.  One day I believe he'll answer the invitation to come home.  Maybe you'll be the one The Lord sends?  Will you listen and go?  I pray that you do.

“Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. (‭Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭23‬ NIV)

1 comment:

Jode said...

Awesome brother! I like how you are open to God's direction.
