In our world today, a premium is paid for drinking water that has been purified. It is water that has gone through intricate and thorough filtration processes, sometimes repeatedly, all in an effort to extract the smallest germ, bacteria, or particle so that the water can be considered pure. These are those which mostly can only be seen through the lenses of a microscope. Yet, if they can be found, even in the smallest of numbers, the water cannot be labeled as pure. Our words are like that. They often contain ill feelings and thoughts that are veiled by the sounds actually formed by our mouths. Oh, we don't intend for this to be how it is with one another, but we cannot help what is really felt deep down, which is the reason that we so desperately need the Refiner's touch. And isn't that interesting? This Refiner of people, the One who takes us as we are and cleanses us, bringing His skilled and gentle strengthening touch is also the One well accustomed with purity.
I love the way David writes about this in the twelfth Psalm. In verse six he writes, “The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.” While true purity of speech ever remains a challenge for people, well intended as we may be, it has never been a challenge for Jesus. His words are life giving, rich and abounding with blessing. They are filled with hope and peace. Reassurance and rest are found in them. Truth and honesty are at their core where love also abounds. They flow from His lips more pure than the highest mountain stream. There is no guile, no deceit, no insecurity or anxiety in them. They contain no pretense, no false humility, no pride or arrogance, no lie is found in them whatsoever. Evil and wickedness, all that defiles, anything untoward could never enter into His speech.
It is for the Lord's efforts alone that pure speech can be found at all, sometimes through the voices of believers, but always by His Spirit. May we cling to the words He's spoken to us, centuries ago, which saints long ago captured and wrote upon scrolls of parchment. May we embrace the words His Spirit speaks to our souls still today and may our ears ever be open to Him. And may we allow our own mouths and tongues be instruments for His pure words to flow to one another.
The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.
Psalm 12:6
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