There is nothing quite so important to me as getting to know the Lord a little more from day to day and from week to week, and to hear Him speak what He will to me about my life. So, there in my own little corner of this coffee shop I attempt to attune my ears to His word, spoken through those written pages of ink. In fact, this has been so valuable to me that I try to utterly avoid (ignore?) the voices of those coming and going, and sometimes sitting right next to me. After all, is there anything so important as spending time with God, even to the extent of blocking out those near? Well, clearly I've revealed a flaw of character, and yet this had been my real attitude for years. I reasoned that since Jesus made it His practice to regularly go to solitary places to pray and be with His Father, shouldn't I do the same?
While it's true that Jesus did in fact make that His aim, He was also often interrupted by the lives of those all around. However, instead of causing people to feel like interruptions, He actually displayed His love and care for them, even in those moments when He desired to be alone. Not so long ago this reality began to sink in and the Lord challenged me to respond to others the same way, even in the midst of my beloved early Saturday morns. So, there I was yesterday morning, enjoying my hot cup of joe and trying to focus on the words of John Mark. However, I was distracted by a comment made by the gentlemen behind me chatting with the Barista. He mentioned that he was heading down that morning to visit with his wife, who was quite literally in prison.
I then immediately thought of a friend of mine that had recently become involved in prison ministry, and I wondered if she ministered at the same facility where this gentlemen's wife was incarcerated. Then, the Lord very quietly but very distinctly whispered to me telling me to speak to the man. So, of course I argued with Him about it...after all, how would he receive it? Since he would be taking his cup of coffee with him out the door in just moments what opportunity did I really have? When I realized he then had to wait a minute or two for my friends behind the counter to fetch him some creamer, or something, I knew the Lord had won the arguement.
"Sir...I couldn't help but overhear..." I said. To my surprise he very warmly received the words of concern and offer to connect his wife to this friend of mine. Although the exchange didn't go much beyond that the Lord made it clear to me that this gentleman was shown His love and care. As I sit here finishing this post (now over a week removed from the event of which I've written) I do not recall the content of my devotional reading and journaling that day. The Lord's stretching of my comfort zone is very clear however. May Christ so stretch all of us that those burdened by life's worries and hurt might know and feel His embrace.
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