A particular commercial has been frequenting my television of late. The message is one which I think appeals to many people and calls them to "live united". It draws upon that part of every person that truly wants to help others. However, the simple phrase repeatedly employed caused me to pause and think about how united I really should be with others. To be fair I have no problem with the motivation in mind for the owner of the ad. I simply think that unity is one of those ideals that requires caution.
As a Christian believer I definitely would not want to unite with a group of people who hated Jesus. The question here is not whether I should love them, of course I should. Instead should I be so joined with them that I think, believe, and even live as they do? Obviously, to do so would cause me to abandon what I believe and who I live for. However, to be united with others for the wrong sort of cause would call for this very decision.
Oftentimes the values of a group of people are not perfectly clear. While they may seem to embrace worthy ideals there can be very hurtful motives behind them. It is therefore of tremendous importance to truly know who and what it is you are uniting with.
If it's your desire to follow Christ, as it is mine, then let me encourage you to exercise great caution with what you choose to embrace. Ultimately, if it does not bring Jesus honor then the question of unity should be no question at all.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." - John 14:6
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Love of the Father
Every now and then I hear a song on the radio that somehow says exactly the message that is somewhere inside me. It's not necessarily one that's been carefully prepared for any particular person, but it dwells there just the same. Though I may not always be actively thinking of it, the thoughts and feelings remain. They rest there like an underground aquafur waiting only to be drawn out by some thirsty hands by way of a well and the working of a pump. This seems to be happening to me lately nearly every time I hear the song "Finally Home", by Mercy Me. I've now heard it enough times so that the first few strums have barely struck the guitar before I feel as though I'm the one primed. Then, as the first several lyrics land upon my ears I'm quickly reminded of a desire I believe God has placed deep within me.
The song begins, "I’m gonna wrap my arms around my daddy’s neck and tell him that i’ve missed him and tell him all about the man that i became and hope that it pleased him." As I heard this the other day I was struck by the depth of this message and surprised by how it affected me. I began to think of how greatly I long to stare into the face of my Heavenly Daddy and indeed do the very things the song spoke of. The song continued to play and draw out the reason for this longing. Having been made in the image of God and being called by Him as his son (thanks to Jesus) this longing is something which He's placed within me, and I believe all of His believers, to ever draw us toward Him. However, I realized there was more behind this longing for me. Much of it has to do, I think, with the desire I've had since I was a small boy to please my dad and to be close to him, however never really being able to achieve this. We both have blame to share for this failure and I love him dearly, yet somehow my unfullfilled longing as a little boy remains. I thank God that He has throughout His word shown me many times over that He desires to fulfill every desire deposited in me by His hand. So, I've learned to look to Him as my true Father in Heaven, the One I am really made to glorify, to bring honor to...to please.
Still, the song played on while these things were going through my mind and then others also entered my thoughts. I considered the fact that many people, even believers, have a terribly challenging time relating to God as a loving and caring father. For them it may not be so simple a matter of not having the relationship with their dads which they desired and needed. Instead, they may have been terribly hurt, abused, or even betrayed by the very person who is supposed to be their greatest earthly source of strength, defense, provision, and shelter. How in the world is such a person supposed to then be able to look upon God as a father? For to do so evokes feelings of great pain and conjures images which should never have to be etched in one's memory to begin with. For them, the idea of a Heavenly Father is a truly terrible thought inflicting a new wound every time it's considered. Even if they know and believe the truth in God's word about Him feelings of Him being the opposite may seem inescapable.
If any of you reading this feel that such a description could be yours may I offer that such pain and brutal memories are not lost upon the Lord. He too is deeply wounded by the things you've had to endure and indeed wants to bring you healing. I would not attempt to try and offer any explanation or reason for the pain which you've walked with for so long. The best I can personally offer is my own experience to you. Somehow, God overcome the hurt and pain that had gripped my own life and revealed Himself to me as the loving and caring Father He had always been, but which I had not before recognized.
Dear Friends, in spite of the hurt and pain which you may have known God wants you to know how desperately in love with you He really is. While others have inflicted wounds within you, even broken sacred trusts, He never will. He truly wants to embrace you as His own, and offer you His strength and defense, His provision and shelter. His desire for you is so great that He even gave His own life to prove it.
As this entry ends let me encourage you to consider these words of Moses to the Israelites as words meant for you...

The song begins, "I’m gonna wrap my arms around my daddy’s neck and tell him that i’ve missed him and tell him all about the man that i became and hope that it pleased him." As I heard this the other day I was struck by the depth of this message and surprised by how it affected me. I began to think of how greatly I long to stare into the face of my Heavenly Daddy and indeed do the very things the song spoke of. The song continued to play and draw out the reason for this longing. Having been made in the image of God and being called by Him as his son (thanks to Jesus) this longing is something which He's placed within me, and I believe all of His believers, to ever draw us toward Him. However, I realized there was more behind this longing for me. Much of it has to do, I think, with the desire I've had since I was a small boy to please my dad and to be close to him, however never really being able to achieve this. We both have blame to share for this failure and I love him dearly, yet somehow my unfullfilled longing as a little boy remains. I thank God that He has throughout His word shown me many times over that He desires to fulfill every desire deposited in me by His hand. So, I've learned to look to Him as my true Father in Heaven, the One I am really made to glorify, to bring honor to...to please.
Still, the song played on while these things were going through my mind and then others also entered my thoughts. I considered the fact that many people, even believers, have a terribly challenging time relating to God as a loving and caring father. For them it may not be so simple a matter of not having the relationship with their dads which they desired and needed. Instead, they may have been terribly hurt, abused, or even betrayed by the very person who is supposed to be their greatest earthly source of strength, defense, provision, and shelter. How in the world is such a person supposed to then be able to look upon God as a father? For to do so evokes feelings of great pain and conjures images which should never have to be etched in one's memory to begin with. For them, the idea of a Heavenly Father is a truly terrible thought inflicting a new wound every time it's considered. Even if they know and believe the truth in God's word about Him feelings of Him being the opposite may seem inescapable.
If any of you reading this feel that such a description could be yours may I offer that such pain and brutal memories are not lost upon the Lord. He too is deeply wounded by the things you've had to endure and indeed wants to bring you healing. I would not attempt to try and offer any explanation or reason for the pain which you've walked with for so long. The best I can personally offer is my own experience to you. Somehow, God overcome the hurt and pain that had gripped my own life and revealed Himself to me as the loving and caring Father He had always been, but which I had not before recognized.
Dear Friends, in spite of the hurt and pain which you may have known God wants you to know how desperately in love with you He really is. While others have inflicted wounds within you, even broken sacred trusts, He never will. He truly wants to embrace you as His own, and offer you His strength and defense, His provision and shelter. His desire for you is so great that He even gave His own life to prove it.
As this entry ends let me encourage you to consider these words of Moses to the Israelites as words meant for you...
The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you as he did in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way until you reached this place. ~ Deuteronomy 1:29b-31
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Too Focused?...On Me?
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
Acts 20:24
Acts 20:24
I have often considered, meditated upon, and even quoted verses such as these wanting them to be true of me. In some ways there may be indications of such selflessness and true Christ-centered and focused living in me, but not to the extent that I could speak these words of Paul as though my own. All too often I can find myself sitting beside, or standing near, a person who may be in need of Jesus. Who isn’t? Then, the Lord whispers to me to at least pause from whatever I’m doing. When this happens I know what’s about to come next.
“Tell them, such and such”.
“Are you sure you don’t just want me to pray for them Lord? Because that I can do, no problem.”
Then, before I know it the moment is gone. This happened, I fear, just yesterday evening. I was waiting at the airport for my flight arrive and reading an excellent book about God’s desire for the Jewish people when the Lord told me to put it down for a moment and being praying for the person seated next to me. So, I figured that was easy enough, and began to do just that. I was expecting the Lord to then give me some further direction, but it never happened. I prayed for about a minute and then figured it was time to read again, it is a really good book after all. Oh, I did pause again later to chat with him about the boarding delays of our flights, but I knew it was not the conversation we were supposed to have.
It’s situations like this that occur more often than I’d like to admit which cause me to realize I am still far too me-focused. I worry too much about having exactly the right words or what the other person may think of me. I suppose the same thing could be true of the person who doesn’t have such inhibition but may instead be somewhat impressed by their own words. However, that’s not usually my challenge. No, I’m typically too conscious of how I might be perceived and before I know it another opportunity to glorify Jesus and help another person consider Him is gone. Clearly, I cannot proclaim Paul’s words as my own, but one day I hope to, or at least be able to say something similar and it be true of me.
Oh lord, forgive me for being so concerned with me. It seems the destruction of selfish tendencies is an ever continuing challenge. I truly want to be a man given over to Your plans and purposes so that You could somehow be honored by the way I live and speak. All too often it seems I fall short of this goal, but I continue on toward it anyway. I pray that You would continue to shape me, day by day. May You be glorified in me Jesus. Amen.
“Tell them, such and such”.
“Are you sure you don’t just want me to pray for them Lord? Because that I can do, no problem.”
Then, before I know it the moment is gone. This happened, I fear, just yesterday evening. I was waiting at the airport for my flight arrive and reading an excellent book about God’s desire for the Jewish people when the Lord told me to put it down for a moment and being praying for the person seated next to me. So, I figured that was easy enough, and began to do just that. I was expecting the Lord to then give me some further direction, but it never happened. I prayed for about a minute and then figured it was time to read again, it is a really good book after all. Oh, I did pause again later to chat with him about the boarding delays of our flights, but I knew it was not the conversation we were supposed to have.
It’s situations like this that occur more often than I’d like to admit which cause me to realize I am still far too me-focused. I worry too much about having exactly the right words or what the other person may think of me. I suppose the same thing could be true of the person who doesn’t have such inhibition but may instead be somewhat impressed by their own words. However, that’s not usually my challenge. No, I’m typically too conscious of how I might be perceived and before I know it another opportunity to glorify Jesus and help another person consider Him is gone. Clearly, I cannot proclaim Paul’s words as my own, but one day I hope to, or at least be able to say something similar and it be true of me.
Oh lord, forgive me for being so concerned with me. It seems the destruction of selfish tendencies is an ever continuing challenge. I truly want to be a man given over to Your plans and purposes so that You could somehow be honored by the way I live and speak. All too often it seems I fall short of this goal, but I continue on toward it anyway. I pray that You would continue to shape me, day by day. May You be glorified in me Jesus. Amen.
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